Mr. BoJangles

Monday, October 17, 2011


It's neat how many memories you make throughout life. Some small things that might not mean a thing to another that is involved in that same memory. Yet, if you try to remember something you did last week it's not easy to recall. I often wonder how accurate my memories are and if some of them have been skewed and stretched along the way, or if some memories might be just you recalling stories that you've heard older people tell about you, absorbing other people's memories of you into your own Memories are triggered by virtually every sense that you have. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell and also memories that just seem to wander in from out of nowhere. Memories can also trigger other memories and send you rushing down a rapid of events and friends, places and pets. I guess the reason that memories are so easily triggered with me is because it's easier to look back into the past than it is to look at an uncertain future. Just gotta keep your head up, and keep making memories....

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