Mr. BoJangles

Monday, June 18, 2007

Pregnant Cat

We have a pregnant cat, Kate, she got out one too many times and was having unprotected sex, and now we are going to have kittens because even kitty cat abortion is wrong. This is the first pregnant cat that I have ever been around because all of our other cats were "fixed" or "broken" however you want to look at it. So it is kind of neat because you can actually see and feel the kittens moving around inside of her, it is interesting to see how her personality changes and she has become more vocal and more affectionate towards us and actually greets us when we get home and seems to attempt to stop us from leaving her here. I'm looking forward to seeing where she decides is a safe place to have her kittens and hope its not on the new couch where she sleeps most of the time, cause that would be a nasty mess to clean up. Anyways, I'm listening to John Mayer who I was rather disappointed in to find out that he was doing Jessica Simpson the way he was. But then again it was in a magazine and which ones can you really trust? Judging by his myspace blog he seems like a cool guy..

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