Mr. BoJangles

Thursday, June 7, 2007

VBS Game Day

We all loaded up and went to the VBS presentation of what the kids have been learning over the past week. Yes, I too think it is odd that they have the big show of songs and dance on a Thursday night, it seems normal to me that they do it on Sunday when everybody is at church anyways. I can't help but every time I go to a VBS or really any church service for that matter but anytime I attend I start to miss the gang, Tim, Brad, and all the youth from my younger days, but luckily most of 'em I can still contact using the wonderful world wide web.

So I was checking out some art online today and ran across this guys art,LinkJulian Beever

He does sidewalk chalk drawings and they are amazing, wish i could do the same but let me know what you think.

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